Award Process Guide
Application & Award Process
Smaller cities and rural communities interested in being one of five ‘Lighthouse Communities’ awarded their own Digital TV & Internet Radio Station thru NGMC’s #RuralIsRelevant Initiative are required to follow our comprehensive awards process to ensure the success of this ground-breaking program, starting with the application form:
Complete our short form application to determine interest and initial eligibility of qualifying communities.
*Please review the entire Application & Award Process outlined on this page before submitting your application.
Initial Interview
2nd Interview
Final Interview
Lighthouse Community Award Winners will be provided with Welcome Packets & Next Steps Guides, kicking off the Pre-Launch Process…
Responsible Organization: NGMC
Responsible Organization: Lighthouse
Working from information provided by the Lighthouses about their community, digital & physical branding assets & identity will be created for the Station, including:
Responsible Organization: NGMC
Station equipment will be compiled & distributed to the Lighthouses along with detailed setup instructions
Responsible Organization: NGMC
Personnel will be required to complete NGMC-created online learning modules and pass a base operations competency assessment
Responsible Organization: Lighthouse
Within 30 days of Station Launch, NGMC and the Lighthouse will work hand-in-hand to implement Pre-Launch marketing campaigns to create Stations awareness within the community via the following avenues:
Responsible Organization: NGMC & Lighthouse
Responsible Organization: Lighthouse
To further support the community, the Grand Opening will fully consist of local:
Responsible Organization: NGMC & Lighthouse
Post-Launch Process
While the Pre-Launch Process prepares the Lighthouse to be fully self-sufficient, NGMC is dedicated to ensuring Stations see marked growth and ongoing success. Please review the following Post-Launch Process commitments supported by NGMC and the minimum requirements to be sustained by the Lighthouse Station:
NGMC allows & empowers its Lighthouse Stations to operate autonomously, providing ongoing soft-contact and robust support when needed. These support services include:
For Lighthouse Stations to remain in good standing within the Franchise Agreement, NGMC has instituted generous minimum requirements that the Stations must adhere to. These requirements are assessed on a Station’s: